Kayip Cennet

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NameKayip Cennet.

Age26 years old (allegedly).

Nameday6th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon.

SpeciesAu Ra, Raen.

GenderFemale & She/Her.


Height1.45 m / 4 ft 9 in.

Weight~54 kg / 120 lbs

HairDark brown, kept in a ponytail & adorned with accessories

Eye ColorSilver, with slit pupils.

Birth PlaceMeracydia.



PatronCinduruva, the Wise.

Kayip's sense of fashion drifts towards delicate fabrics in bright colors while in Radz-at-Han, but she prefers muted and neutral hues when traveling. She enjoys decorating herself with jewelry, ribbons, and feathers for all manner of occasions and is known to choose clothing and armor for their appearance rather than functionality. She applies red gulal around her eyes to promote good health and prevent injury. Kayip is also fond of painting her nails, usually in colors to match her outfits.

Her speech flows effortlessly, adorned with the soft lilt characteristic of the Hannish accent, making even casual conversations carry an unintentional charm.

* ▊▊ Voice Claim: Selin Cuhadaroglu.

voice sample.

The Hand of Mercy.

PersonalityKayip typically carries herself with an amiable and lackadaisical attitude and a tendency to tease others. She is rarely seen without a smile and is infallibly polite to whoever she interacts with; however, she possesses a mysterious demeanor around her that terrifies those not acquainted with her. As an alchemist and researcher, she is known for being highly meticulous in her work and holds a large amount of influence within intellectual circles.

Kayip has a somewhat macabre side to her and often points out gross or morbid facts. Matching her lackadaisical personality, she is extremely vain about her appearance. She enjoys collecting rare historical artifacts and seeks the comfort and freedom to study the mysteries of the world.

Beneath the surface, Kayip can be rather blunt and cynical. While maintaining her pleasant demeanor, she does not mince words around those who need to hear the truth, a principle she values above all else. Though not lacking in love or compassion, she is also guided by a righteous sense of justice. She does not tolerate people who regard history as meaningless or destroy objects of historical significance. Under her decree, those who destroy valuable artifacts should be "shown no mercy whatsoever."

& Key Items.

important items commonly found in her inventory.

Paradise Lost

Wielded by Kayip, this staff serves as a conduit for her alchemy. Named in tribute to Meracydia, the staff is crafted from silverwood and holds a crystal of rose quartz at its crown.

Kayip wears the staff as one might a piece of fine jewelry, with pride and care, but also with a casual grace that suggests it is an extension of her being. It is a constant companion in her alchemical experiments, serving as a tool for channeling the raw energies she works with.

Alchemical Set

Kayip carries a compact alchemical set, complete with miniature alembics, mortars, pestles, and vials of rare reagents. This portable laboratory allows her to concoct potions, elixirs, and explosive compounds on the move, each item meticulously organized within an expertly crafted case that defies its small appearance.

Among these items is a beautifully crafted compact mirror edged in gold. The compact is not only a tool for Kayip to maintain her appearance but also a discreet way to practice her alchemy on the go, with the mirror acting as a catalyst for minor enchantments.

Diamond Earring / Crystarium Choker & Ring / Edenmorn Wristlet

Lover of all things beautiful, Kayip possesses an impressive jewelry collection, reflecting her exquisite tastes. Among these precious items, a few hold a special place in her heart and on her person.

Her fingers are graced with rings of various designs, each selected for its craftsmanship and the uniqueness of the stones embedded within. These rings are not just for decoration; they serve as tools in her experiments, their materials carefully chosen to react or resist certain magical elements. They blend form and function, reflecting Kayip's belief that beauty can coexist with practicality.

Uraeus Comb

Crafted from the nitid scales of the Uraeus, this comb gleams with a soft light.

Appearing in ancient religious manuscripts as loyal servant to the sun goddess, Azeyma the Warden, this peiste is unique in that its brilliant silver scales reflect the light, making it seem that the creature is constantly emitting a radiant glow. Many a hunter has set out into the mountains in pursuit of this scalekin’s rare skin, only to succumb to the monster’s razor-sharp fangs, nail-like claws, and petrifying gaze.

Azeyma Rose Oil

A fragrant oil pressed from freshly harvested Azeyma rose hips.

The nobles of Radz-at-Han are obsessive about their odor. I suppose it comes from living in a land that is subject to the incessant beating of the sun’s harsh rays. The sweltering days and muggy nights leave nearly everyone on the island drenched in a perpetual patina of malodorous wetness. To cope, they spend absurd amounts of coin on all manner of fragrances and perfumes.


In the public eye...

A young woman employed by the satrap specializing in various chemical concoctions, ranging from healing salves to deadly toxins. Her fellow alchemists revere her for her wisdom beyond her years, although her temperament makes her difficult to approach.

Despite her standoffish demeanor, Kayip has a soft spot for those who are marginalized or oppressed. She often uses her resources and knowledge to assist such individuals, whether by concocting medicines for those who cannot afford them or leveraging her influence to protect the vulnerable from exploitation.

Tales of Gridanian conjurers sparked Kayip's intrigue in the healing arts. However, instead of treading the well-worn path of conventional magic, she envisioned blending her alchemical prowess with a novel healing method. She was particularly inspired by the conjurers' deep, symbiotic bond with nature and embarked on a journey to uncover how natural substances could be utilized to bolster healing effects.

Through her exploration, Kayip discovered that certain materials, when carefully ground and integrated with her alchemical concoctions, could significantly enhance the flow of aether, making healing more potent. This revelation prompted her to delve further into the realm of natural elements, identifying those with a pronounced ability to conduct aether. Her staff underwent numerous modifications as she experimented with various woods and crystals to discover the perfect combination for augmenting and channeling her potion-based healing techniques.

Currently, Kayip is traveling with the sole purpose of gathering new knowledge and broadening her horizons. While she has enjoyed her visits to the Far East and Ishgard, Kayip scoffs at the idea that any other place could match the splendor of Thavnair.

Beneath the surface...

Hailing from the Southern Continent of Meracydia, Kayip was born into the brood of Tiamat and Bahamut. She fled to a nearby island when it became clear that the Allagan campaign would lead to their downfall, unwilling to partake in the ensuing conflict, and fell into a deep slumber within a well-hidden spot.

When the dragon awoke several centuries later, she was surprised to detect another draconic presence on the island and decided to investigate further. She discovered that Vrtra had established a city by allying himself with the peoples of Thavnair and used a homunculus crafted by the talented alchemists of Radz-at-Han to move around. Eager for the same arrangement, preferring safety and comfort over engaging in the conflicts of the outside world, Kayip requested the same treatment. Adopting a false name to blend in with the locals, she also began to study alchemy, incorporating what she remembered of Miqo'te occultism from Meracydia into the field. Kayip preferred to work behind the scenes, adopting a new alias periodically to avoid the necessity of altering her appearance every few centuries to divert attention from herself and Vrtra. In recent years, she has allowed herself to be seen in public far more often.

Kayip is fond of Auri mythos, even though she is not one herself, and takes pride in her body being modeled after the Raen. She is amused by the idea of descending from the sun, given that Bahamut was known as the Dawn Wyrm. More than that, she loves the idea of being seen as "the radiant sun," worshipped by Eorzeans as Azeyma, which she believes originated from the worship of Sophia in Meracydia. Similarly, when she first received her Au Ra body, she requested features resembling Sophia's visage.



LikesDark chocolate, silk scarves, rare teas, the warmth of sunlight on her skin, cats, jeweled hairpins and accessories.

DislikesPoor craftsmanship, overly sweet foods, dishonesty and deceit, the smell of smoke on clothes or hair, wastefulness, being rushed.

FearsLosing her craft. Situations where she might find herself powerless to protect or aid those in need, reminiscent of her inability to prevent the fall of her brood. Being trapped or confined, whether physically or through circumstances that would limit her freedom to explore, learn, and grow. The loss or destruction of ancient texts, artifacts, and knowledge.

HobbiesAlchemy and research, artifact restoration, reading, gardening, tailoring.

SkillsHerbalism and botany, craftsmanship, aetheric manipulation, diplomacy.

Frequented Locations.

The High Crucible of Al-KimiyaWhere Kayip spends most of her days. The atmosphere of intellectual pursuit and the scent of brewing potions make it her preferred workplace.

The Balshahn BazaarThe vibrant markets of Radz-at-Han offer not only ingredients for Kayip's alchemical experiments but also a selection of fine silks and jewelry. She enjoys the lively atmosphere and the opportunity to discover rare items and artifacts.

Lavender Beds CottageKayip's small cottage serves as her sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of Radz-at-Han and the rigorous demands of her studies. This cottage is surrounded by meticulously tended gardens where Kayip cultivates rare herbs and flowers for her potions and elixirs. It's here that Kayip can truly relax, indulging in the warmth of sunlight on her skin, spending quiet evenings reading, or simply enjoying the company of her beloved cats.
